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// 29.9.2023 GA4 add to cart // 29.9.2023 GA4 add to cart

Contessa Simple Black for Blaser - NV

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Contessa Simple Black for Blaser - NV Detajli

About the company

Contessa is an Italian company, famous for producing aesthetically appealing mounts with a nice fit and finish. The tolerances of the produced pieces are very tight – there are no deviations, the mounts are very carefully machined. Contessa manufactures their mounts from solid blocks of steel, providing for a durable and reliable build. The rugged construction makes them impervious to the recoil of even the strongest calibers. They use a glossy, deep blued finish for their mounts. The only exception is their Picatinny rails – these come in a matte finish. Most of their mounts have Contessa’s logo imprinted on the housing, along with a ‘made in Italy’ label, both in gold colour.


Blaser is a firearms manufacturing company with headquarters in Isny im Allgäu, Germany. It was founded in 1957 by Horst Blaser. In 1997, it merged with SIGARMS – the production; however, remained autonomous. Today, they mainly produce bolt-action rifles, shotguns, combination guns and single shot rifles.

Blaser mounts

Most Blaser rifles are using the same mounting system (R8, R93, B95/B97, D99, K95, S2, BBF95/97, etc.) This system consists of 4 notches. Mounts are mounted directly on the barrel. Devices that are meant to be attached to the rifle with 2 notches only are rifle-specific (red dot sights), whereas mounts that are meant to be attached on all four notches can be used on all Blaser rifles. There is; however, one important thing to note. Once a mount for a Blaser rifle is mounted, it cannot be used on any other Blaser rifle – these mounts are designed so that they can only be used on one barrel. This means that you can use multiple optical sights on one Blaser barrel but you cannot use one optic on multiple Blaser barrels.

Contessa Blaser mounts

Most mounts in this category are of the detachable type. They come with a lever that locks into place when pressed to the side of the base and can be unlocked by pushing down the safety catch. This mechanism ensures a 100 % repeatability. Blaser makes rifles of the premium class, which is why these appealing, high-quality mounts with rounded edges will nicely complement them. The glossy finish adds to the elegant appearance, while the precisely machined parts make it robust and durable.

For the Blaser mounting platform, Contessa makes Picatinny rails of various lengths, a Docter Sight adapter, an Aimpoint Micro adapter, mounts for different night vision optics, mounts for all the popular rail standards (Zeiss ZM/VM, Swarovski SR, S&B Convex), mounts with 30mm rings, etc. They were one of the first (if not the first) to come up with a 20 MOA Picatinny rail for Blaser rifles. In 2018, they have made a big step forward by introducing Blaser mounts for various night vision devices made by companies Pulsar, Dedal, Yukon and ATN.

About the product

This product is designed to fit the Blaser four-notch barrel platform. Because of the additional 60 mm of Picatinny surface, it is suitable for the mounting of night vision devices.


Contessa grants a 30-year warranty period for all their mounts.

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Contessa Simple Black for Blaser - NV specifikacije

Mount seriesContessa Blaser Line
V proizvodnji odNe
Garancija30 let
Dolžina0 mm
BH height. 4mm
H višina.0
Extension (KR) -
Inclination 0 MOA
Mount TypeDetachable mounts
Mounts FashionNe
Nastavitev po smeriNe
Scope / Sight type -
Mounting Standard -
Suitable for MountsBlaser R93, Blaser S2, Blaser K95, Blaser D99, Blaser BD 14, Blaser BB 97, Blaser R8, Blaser BBF 95, Blaser BBF 97, Blaser BS 95, Blaser BS 97

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