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Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD Elite X2

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Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD Elite X2 Detajli

About the Reflex series

Reflex is one of the red dot sight series made by Holosun. These compact sights are not closed on both sides like the Tube, Infiniti and Paralow series, which is why they are very compact and lightweight (there are some exceptions to this in the Holosun Reflex series – HS512T is closed from both sides and thus bigger while HS510C is a reflex-type red dot sight of a bigger design).

Because of their size, HS407C, HS507C, and HS508T are great for mounting on a pistol.

The illumination is powered by a CR2032 battery. The click value for the elevation and windage adjustments is 0.5 MOA. Altogether, there are 12 illumination intensity levels to choose from, 2 of which are NVD compatible. The battery life is 50.000 hours.

About the model family

The 508 is one of the model families in the Reflex series. The first number '5' in its name means that the user can switch between a 2 MOA dot; 2 MOA dot surrounded by a 32 MOA circle or a 32 MOA ring only.

About the product (508T-RD X2)

Holosun Elite 508T-RD X2 is a red dot sight of the Reflex series.

The letter 'T' means that the device is made of titanium, which makes it stronger and more durable. For this reason, 508T-RD X2 is classified as Elite.

Even though ‘C’ is missing in its name, HE508T-RD X2 features a solar panel on top of the frame that surrounds the lens.

‘RD’ indicates that this red dot sight comes with illumination in red.

The product features the ShakeAwake function. When left powered on, the device will go from 'active mode' to 'sleep mode' after a while to prevent unnecessary battery drain. Once moved, it will power back on immediately.

The ‘X2’ is the second generation of Holosun’s 508T series, which has a new button lock mode feature. Another novelty is the flat upper part of the lens frame, as the first generation has a curved one.

Holosun changed the position of the battery compartment, which is no longer on the bottom, but on the side, along with a different, CR1632 battery compartment. The buttons are placed horizontally, as they were with the previous generation, but are now bigger and placed closer together.

Main features:

  • red illumination
  • made of titanium
  • 2 MOA dot & 2 MOA dot surrounded by a 32 MOA circle
  • compact and lightweight
  • a solar cell on top of the device
  • perfect for a pistol
  • ShakeAwake function with the last setting recall
  • 12 illumination intensity levels - 2 of them are NV compatible
  • Parallax free
  • 50.000 hours of battery life
  • the battery compartment is on the bottom of the device
  • uses the same footprint/mounting standard as Trijicon RMR

Mounting details

Holosun 508T has a Trijicon RMR footprint for mounting purposes.


The product comes with a lifetime warranty on the material and 10 years on the electronics.

For more information regarding the Holosun symbols, check our blog post.

Holosun Reflex HE508T-RD Elite X2 specifikacije

Dot sight seriesHolosun Reflex
V proizvodnji od2017
Garancija10 let
Korak nastavitve križa 14mm/100m - 1/2MOA
Pomik križa po smeri 11.62mrad
Pomik križa po smeri (MOA)39MOA
Pozicija križa Ne
Osvetlitev križa Da
Illumination colorRed
Dnevna osvetlitev križa Da
Avtomatski izklop Ne
Dot size.0MOA
Adjustable intensityYes
Intensity SwitchYes
Parallax setting Free of Parallax
Dolžina46 mm
Širina0 mm
Višina0 mm
MaterialTitanova zlitina
Območje delovne temperature- 40 °C / + 70 °C
Tip baterijeCR2032
Čas delovanja0h
Filled with Nitrogen
Lens coating Fully Multicoated
FootprintTrijicon RMR standard
Mounting StandardTrijicon RMR
Integriran tip montažeNone
Dolžina za montažo0mm
Window size23 mm x 16 mm
Dot Sight TypeReflex sight
Odpornost na vodo IPX-8
Fogproof Yes
Odpornost na udarceDa
Mount rail type -

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