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// 29.9.2023 GA4 add to cart // 29.9.2023 GA4 add to cart

Nikon High Grade Light 8x20 DCF

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Nikon High Grade Light 8x20 DCF Detajli

Binoculars Nikon High Grade Light 8x20 DCF enraptures with excellent combination of quality optics and compactness. Their light weight of only 270g enables an easy handling and for this reason it is appropriate for hiking, travelling, mountaineering as well as nature and sports games observation. The housing is made of magnesium and designed also for the usage with glasses. Binoculars of Nikon High Grade Light series had presented the top quality products for many years made from Nikon and at which the least compromise had been made during design and manufacturing. With regards to Nikon reputation at the world of optical market this mean that the binoculars of High Grade Light series do not lack in the advanced technology and for this reason they can also compete with the best one on the market. All the Nikon High Grade Light series products have silver prism coating, magnesium housing, lenses covered with multilayer coatings which are vaporized onto the surface and are very light weighted. The housings are also water resistant but only to 2m of depth for 5 minutes and are filled with nitrogen for low temperature usage. Binoculars of series Nikon High Grade Light are meant for those who know how to appreciate the quality.

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Nikon High Grade Light 8x20 DCF specifikacije

Binoculars seriesNikon High Grade Light
V proizvodnji od
Garancija10 let
Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Variable magnification Ne
Diopter range
Premer leče20 mm
Izhodna zenica2.5 mm
Vidno polje 119m/1000m
Field of view (deg.).6.8°
Apparent field of view (deg.).
Oddaljenost očesa od leče15mm
Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja 2.4m
Twilight Factor 12.65
Light transmission
Relative Brightness 6.3
Lens coating Fully Multicoated
Dolžina96 mm
Širina109 mm
Višina45 mm
Območje delovne temperature
Filled with Nitrogen
Focusing system Central
Diopter setting positionRight eye-piece
Min. medzenična razdalja72 mm
Max. interpupillary.56 mm
Tip zgradbeDvojni spoj
Odpornost na vodo Da
Fogproof Yes
Tripod adaptableNe
Compass No
Built-in rangefinderNe
Image stabilizer No
Floatable Ne

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