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// 29.9.2023 GA4 add to cart // 29.9.2023 GA4 add to cart

Nikon StabilEyes 12x32

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Nikon StabilEyes 12x32 Detajli

Nikon StabilEyes 12x32 is designed for use during high vibration; therefore it is a perfect choice for watching from a helicopter, terrain vehicle or boat on rough sea. The sharp image is achieved at any situation with innovative Japanese technology based on piezo-electrical sensors and stepper motors. Binoculars from Nikon StabilEyes series are offering a very contemporary technology for image stabilization in a small sealed compact housing. Technologically the binoculars of Nikon StabilEyes series represent the peak in this class and are the most suitable for usage at sea, in vehicles and helicopters. They can successfully compensate the vibrations of different magnitude and can be set up easily. But at the same time they are robust well enough to be used even at the hardest conditions where the vibration is dominant. The binoculars are filled with dry nitrogen, which prevents inside lens dewing and are therefore useful even in the low temperature environment.

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Nikon StabilEyes 12x32 specifikacije

Binoculars seriesNikon StabilEyes
V proizvodnji od
Vrsta prizme Porro
Variable magnification Ne
Diopter range
Premer leče32 mm
Izhodna zenica2.6 mm
Vidno polje 87m/1000m
Field of view (deg.).4.98°
Apparent field of view (deg.). 55.3°
Oddaljenost očesa od leče15mm
Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja 3.5m
Twilight Factor 19.59
Light transmission
Relative Brightness 6.76
Lens coating Fully Multicoated
Dolžina178 mm
Širina142 mm
Višina81 mm
Območje delovne temperature
Filled with Nitrogen
Focusing system Central
Diopter setting positionNe
Min. medzenična razdalja72 mm
Max. interpupillary.56 mm
Tip zgradbeFiksna
Odpornost na vodo Da
Fogproof Yes
Tripod adaptableNe
Compass No
Built-in rangefinderNe
Image stabilizer Yes
Floatable Ne

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