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Rusan Picatinny rail - Weatherby Mark V

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Rusan Picatinny rail - Weatherby Mark V Detajli


Picatinny Rail, or also known as MIL-STD-1913 rail is a mounting platform, which is designed with multi transverse slots. Regarding design, Picatinny Rail is similar to the older Weaver Rails, however, with greatly improved specifications. Picatinny Rail is usable in it’s entire length. It offers amazing ease of use and interchangeability. One of the manufacturers of Picatinny Rails is also a company Rusan from Croatia. They make mounts from steel and aluminium and provide buyers with a wide selection of Picatinny rails for various rifles. Rusan Picatinny Rails are made from a high quality deep blue finish Steel. Rusan Picatinny Rails includes screws with the appropriate thread for the corresponding rifle. Company covers 10 years of warranty for all it’s products.

About the rifle

Weatherby was founded in America, California, by in 1945 by Roy Weatherby. The company is famous for their Magnum cartridges which were devised on the belief that one shot-kills are best achieved with high-speed and lightweight bullets.

Mark V is Weatherby's revolutionary action. Devised in 1957, it soon became one of the most popular actions on the market. Many like to call it „the strongest action of all“ as it is designed so that it can withstand a huge amount of pressure. It has a pair of holes on each of the mounting surfaces. The left side of the ejection port is blocked to ensure that empty cartridges are always ejected to the right side. The action-is push feed and requires only 57 degrees of bolt lift, which makes it fast to operate. There are three gas ports in the bolt body.

Rifle diagram

A: 22 mm
B: 113.8 mm
C: 15.3 mm
BHU: 3.2 mm
Fi: 6-48L
R1:  R17 mm
R2:  R60 mm

Mounting instruction

Remove any possible grease or oil stains from the rifle’s receiver and the rail itself with a cleaning fluid. When the surface is clean and dry, first evaluate visually if the screws match the rail and the receiver holes. In the continuation, physically test dimensions and matching of the holes. For a permanent mounting of Picatinny rail, apply thread – locking fluid 278 or 648 on screws and connecting surfaces. Carefully clean remaining redundant thread – locking fluid mass around the rail, when tightened. Using torque driver, manually screw the screws with a torque of approximately 2.2 Nm. Do not overtight.

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Rusan Picatinny rail - Weatherby Mark V specifikacije

Mount seriesNe
V proizvodnji odNe
Garancija10 let
Dolžina160 mm
BarvaČrna sijaj
BH height. 6mm
H višina.0
Inclination 0 MOA
Tip letvePicatinny
Scope / Sight type Picatinny Rail
Mounting StandardNe
A 22 mm
B 113.8 mm
C 15.3 mm

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Mnenja o izdelku Rusan Picatinny rail - Weatherby Mark V

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