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// 29.9.2023 GA4 add to cart // 29.9.2023 GA4 add to cart

Smartclip Reducing Ring for Dipol (M49x0.75)

Smartclip Reducing Ring for Dipol (M49x0.75)

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Smartclip Reducing Ring for Dipol (M49x0.75) Detajli

About Smartclip

Smartclip is a Slovenian company known for its manufacture of adapters for clip-on devices, noted for their robust construction and superior finish. The adapters feature a distinctive lever that closes inward toward the adapter body, unlike many competitors' adapters where the lever shifts from the rear (loose) to the front (fixed). Hunters often detach the clip-on from the scope to swiftly scan the area. In the dark, particularly when excited by the sounds of nearby wildlife, there's a risk of quickly bringing the device close to the face, potentially poking the eye or surrounding skin with the lever in the loose position. Ludwig Dvojmoč, the company’s founder, developed the unique lever design in response to several injuries caused by traditional lever mechanisms, effectively eliminating the risk of such mishaps.

Ludwig Dvojmoč has experience working with well-known companies in the sports optics industry, such as Zeiss and Aimpoint. He played a pivotal role in establishing the Slovenian chapter of the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) and contributed to the amendment of several rules in the competition overall.

What is a reducing ring/converter?

Adapters that serve as a basis for clip-on mounting feature a M52x0.75 thread on one side and a riflescope objective attachment mechanism on the other. If you wish to mount a clip-on with any other thread/bayonet on your riflescope, you have two options. You can either purchase a one-piece solution, which has limited size options, or a two-piece adapter. The two-piece adapter consists of a M52x0.75 thread adapter combined with a suitable reducing ring or converter.

About the Reduction Ring for Dipol (M49x0.75)

The Smartclip reducing ring for Dipol features an M49x0.75 thread for attachment to the AS adapter on one side and a thread for connection to the Dipol mounting standard (M49x0.75) on the other.

This reducing ring, in conjunction with the AS adapter, forms a two-part system for mounting devices with the Dipol mounting standard (M49x0.75) on a riflescope.

Devices that share the Dipol mounting standard

Mounting instructions

Mounting the reducing ring on the adapter

Align the AS adapter with the M52x0.75 thread on the reducing ring. Carefully thread the adapter onto the reducing ring until it is fully tightened. Use the provided wrench to securely fix it in place.

Mounting a device with the Dipol mounting standard (M49x0.75) on the reducing ring

Thread the counter-nut onto the Dipol mounting thread (M49x0.75) of the clip-on until it reaches the end. Position the reducing ring to align its M49x0.75 thread with the thread on the clip-on. Carefully screw the reducing ring onto the clip-on's thread, stopping just short of fully threading it. Prior to fully tightening the device onto the thread, utilize the counter-nut to adjust the adapter's positioning, ensuring the lever remains easily accessible when the device is mounted on the clip-on.

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Smartclip Reducing Ring for Dipol (M49x0.75) specifikacije

Accessories seriesSmartclip Accessories
V proizvodnji odNe
Garancija2 leti
Višina0 mm
Dolžina0 mm
Dodatki zaTermični dodatek

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