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// 29.9.2023 GA4 add to cart // 29.9.2023 GA4 add to cart

Vortex Solo 10x36

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Vortex Solo 10x36 Detajli

The powerful 10x magnification and use of good quality optics will deliver sharp, highly detailed views at longer distances.

This 10x power in combination with a 36mm objective lens produces a moderately sized 3.6mm exit pupil and thus makes them not ideal for very low light use. However, it is easily large enough to deliver a bright clear image during the day even in poor weather conditions.

Higher magnifications also result in a narrower field of view, therefore the particular characteristics of the 10x36 configuration on this Vortex Solo monocular lend these to being most effective in wide open areas where distances are greater and ambient light conditions are usually reasonably good.

At 15mm the eye relief is perfectly adequate for non-eyeglass wearers. If you do need to wear glasses, it may be a little short and thus your field of view may be restricted. If this is a concern, the 18mm of eye relief on the Vortex Solo 8x36 may make it a better option for your needs.

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Vortex Solo 10x36 specifikacije

Monoculars seriesVortex Solo
V proizvodnji od
Garancija10 let
Vrsta prizme Roof - Schmidt/Pechan
Variable magnification Ne
Diopter range
Premer leče36 mm
Izhodna zenica3.6 mm
Vidno polje 108m/1000m
Field of view (deg.).6.2°
Apparent field of view (deg.).
Oddaljenost očesa od leče15mm
Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja 5m
Twilight Factor
Light transmission
Relative Brightness 13
Lens coating Fully Multicoated
Dolžina125 mm
Širina66 mm
Višina0 mm
Območje delovne temperature
Filled with Nitrogen
Odpornost na vodo Da
Fogproof Yes
Tripod adaptableNe
Compass No
Built-in rangefinderNe
Image stabilizer No
Floatable Ne

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